Thursday, 1 March 2012

St John's Baby and Toddler Group, Lewisham Way

St John's Baby and Toddler Group, Lewisham Way: Cynthia, Chair of St John's Baby and Toddler Group on Lewisham Way, wants to give us due notice of their nearly new sale on Thursday 22 March between 9.30am and 11am.

As well as the Sale there will be a play area with toys and play equipment to keep the children entertained and a cafe with tea, coffee and cake for sale.

She says:

"We are always keen to see new families and carers bring their children along to the Wednesday or Thursday playgroup sessions. It's a relaxed, friendly atmosphere with plenty of dads as well as mums; we start at 10am and have free tea and coffee, with singing and fruit for the children. It's very hands on with parents and carers helping out to make tea, arrange craft activities and tidy up at the end of the session.

If BC readers are having a Spring clean and want to clear out clothes, clean and safe toys, books, coats, jackets, nursery and baby equipment or maternity wear they no longer need why not come and make some money by selling them at our sale - we are opening up our 'sale by ticket' system to non-playgroup members.

There are no tables for hire. Instead anyone wishing to sell can purchase a pack of price tickets, price up their items and bring them along to St John's Hall where they will be displayed together with other items for sale. Tickets are removed at point of sale. Once the Sale is over all the tickets are carefully sorted by seller and totted up. Monies due will then be paid to each seller. Each seller needs to buy a sheet of tickets, which costs £2.50 for 20; you then fill in the tickets and securely attach one to each item. In addition to the £2.50 cost of the tickets, the Playgroup will keep 20% of the amount of takings over £20 for each seller."

Proceeds go to the running of the playgroup.

For full information and details of how to get hold of tickets, please email:

Posted from Brockley Central

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