Tuesday, 7 February 2012

MidWinter Warmer for the elderly

undefinedMessage from Brockley:
1) MidWinter Warmer for Brockley’s Senior Citizens: Saturday 11 February, 2pm-5pm 
Brockley Social Club, 240 Brockley Road, SE4 2SU (cnr Foxberry Road, next to Esso garage)
Please check if your elderly neighbours would like to come.
Can you help on the day? Offer lifts? Bake cakes? (bring them on the day)
For our ever-popular raffle please donate your unwanted presents, knick-knacks, toiletries … (winners choose a prize from the selection). Bring them on the day or drop them to Clare’s house, 76 Tyrwhitt Road, SE4 1QB.
Any offers of help: ring Kate on 07930 181 174.
Original enclosure (tea.jpg)

Posted from Bold Vision

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